

Cheddar Crackers (Primal)

As a teenager, I spent about 4 weeks a year in Arizona with my grandparents. I often took friends down with me or supervised my younger cousin's trips with her friends. We would spend hours lounging by the pool slathered in tanning oil, listening to horrible music, eating Cheez-Its and drinking Diet Coke. Was there ever a more perfect combination? Not in our minds. 
When I was encouraged to buy Elana's Almond Flour Cookbook by some friends, the first recipe I tried was her Carrot Cake. A quick second, these Cheddar Crackers got me all kinds of excited. I haven't had Cheez-Its for years, but after reading that her friends described her crackers as reminiscent of them I knew I had to give them a try. I, of course, tried one fresh out of the oven and was slightly disappointed. They were great, but the tie to Cheez-Its was weak. After they fully cooled I gave them a second try. Nailed it! They definitely remind me of a richer version of Cheez-Its... an adult Cheez-It. The crisp, salty exterior lends itself to an interior rich with cheesy depth. They are just lovely, for lack of a better word, and totally hit that snack craving right on the head. I can eat about five of these and feel satisfied thanks to the heavy protein content from the almond flour and cheese.

Cheddar Crackers
primal / grain-free / gluten-free
Yield: 60 

1/2t sea salt, fine
1t sea salt, coarse
1/2t baking soda
1c sharp cheddar cheese, freshly grated
2 eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cut 3 pieces parchment paper to the size of 2 large baking sheets and set aside.
Combine the almond flour, salt, baking soda, and cheese. Add the eggs and coconut oil and stir together until thoroughly combined and a dough forms.
Halve the dough, and place one half between two of the sheets of parchment. Roll to a 1/16in thickness, transfer to a baking sheet, remove the top piece of parchment, and cut into 2in squares with a pizza cutter. Repeat with the other half of the dough.
Bake until lightly browned: about 15 minutes. Let cool, then store in an airtight container at room temperature. 



  1. Cheez-its are by far my favorite snack! We don't have them in Germany so I've been making my own, but I've never tried an almond flour version. Yummy! Thanks for posting. :)

    1. They are quite delicious! Super filling with the almond flour, too, which can be good or bad depending ;)
